Sunday, August 15, 2010

YOG - Day 2 - Opening Ceremony!

Mixed feelings about the day, but I'm very very glad I decided to go.

The morning was a bit messed up and disorganised, spent most of the time in a queue, meeting different friends. Several volunteers who were supposed to be present weren't there, which is why we had been called down just the night before. Once we got organised, though, it was pretty fun. They were unable to match us to countries whose langauges we speak, because it was such a last-minute affair, but that was alright. The athletes I was with were very nice, mostly. Their coaches and delegates were harder to manage, but oh well.

I managed to speak in French after all though, to the athletes sitting in front of us! They were extremely nice and friendly. If only I had been attached to their country. They were patient with my hesitant French and frequent "Pardon?"s, and often broke out into cheers and dances from their country =]

Photos aren't allowed.

The ceremony was a blast too, but I could hardly concentrate on it because firstly, two of the athletes separated from the group, and then refused to join us -.- and secondly, the athletes from the French-speaking country kept asking me join them, which I was very tempted to do. (I didn't in the end, though.) Plus, it took a long time for the bus taking us back to YOV to start, cos some of the athletes got separated again! The delegates insisted that I press on though I said we should wait for the group to gather. -.- Finally got them all back to YOV, phew. They gave us taxi vouchers to go home with, after pooling of course.

Finally got home at 2am. Really glad I was able to go, though. =]

Also managed to talk in French to a new Morrocan friend, yay!

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