Sunday, July 27, 2008

My sister's holidaying in California where my aunt and cousin live and yesterday she went hiking and saw HORSES. She's so lucky.

Oh she saw deer and rattlesnakes and rabbits and vultures too.

Happy 18th birthday, dhevy and dev. =]
Dhevy- Sowmya asks me to wish you on her behalf. Ok it's time i sent you another of your birthday message series. See, sms and technology in general doesn't always make greetings seem boring compared to letters and notes. I just looked at a calendar from 1990 and you were born on a Friday! "Friday's child is loving and giving."
I can't think of a title for the post. But you never needed things to be so proper anyway.

"Grow old along with me!
The best is yet to be,... "
- Robert Browning


Anonymous said...

AWWWWWWWW thanks!!!!!!! :D:D:D:D:D
and you actually looked up the calendar? you keep amazing me with your sweetness! haha. like gulab jamun. with sweeter and sweeter syrup each time. and each time it isn't any more potent for diabetics. so it's a good sweet. like that :) HAHA. anyway thank you!! i can't say how much i loved the messages!! and yes i do love technology for that now!haha. trust trusty old shrey to come up with the most ingenious methods of wishing people in the most sincere of ways. :D and i beam. *beams* :D

Anonymous said...

hahaha your gulab jamun analogy is very interesting but im not that big a fan of it actually. it makes me feel sick cos of the sweetness. i like milk sweets better =]

yay i'm glad you liked them! hahahaha trusty old shre makes me sound like a tree! which i like!

*beams back*

Balaji said...

HELLO I FOUND YOUR BLOG! K I searched for Raghav's blog, and I got this link instead. Not bad huh. I'm good at this.

Btw is that sunant? If it is, Happy Birthday to you! If it isn't, Happy Birthday to you still!

Haha sorry, I'm very high coz my leg hurts and I ran 2.4 with that. Cheeers lil' girl.

Anonymous said...

hello dudetteee! wow haha yea that's pretty smart. considering the fact that you're a dudette =D

yea it's her! haha. it's cool, her birthday is 27/7 and mine is 21/1.

haha you and raghav are both idiots man! he runs 2.4 with an injured back and you run with an injured leg! haha anw hope it gets better soon. =]


Raghav said...

what can we say other than, PAIN MAKES US FEEL ALIVEEEEEE. hahaha.
BOOOO TO EVERYONE. I'm high, and i believe that you don't need a reason to be that way so there. haha

Anonymous said...

hello! loooong time no talk eh. and what nonsense raghav. pain is actually a mental construct. there's no real physical thing called pain. so pain actually means your mind is giving in. haha. nah not really. but still. don't be so emo. you two can't pull it off. haha. =]

did you get my offline messages?

ok i shall believe you when you say you don't need a reason. =] no wait actually i dont. haha i bet you're high cos you're keeping to your timetable well, or something along those lines.



Balaji said...

HIGHHHHH. India's thrashing SL!!!! Finally, some sane-ness.

Btw Raghav, I think we need the militant wing to do something crazy. Humpism's been too quiet lately.


Raghav said...

kamikaze humpism??? I LIKE HOW THAT SOUNDS. lets put it past Elstan. hahaha he is our militant leader. =)

Anonymous said...

haha finally the indian cricket players are doing something right.
KAMIKAZE?! as in suicide attacks? oh gosh you guys are impossible =D

anyway, who do you attack? =S
non-believers of the divine humpism or girls? either way, looks like i'm target. shucks.

Balaji said...

YES! Haha, we need to come up with a mission, and a random attack. This will be big.

Muahaha, no one shall be spared...

Shreya said...

haha i'll have to be spared man. you need someone to bring you back down to earth and remind you you're a DUDETTEEEEEEE. =P

Unknown said...

whoa whoa whoa. and i'm just reading this post now, more than a month after it was posted!


Anonymous said...

haha slow la sowmya.