Friday, November 23, 2007

i like the brown of this page.

ok i'm back to one of the basic templates, cos i couldn't find one that i liked enough anywhere else. i need to learn how to write my own templates. and, no more cbox for tagging, but do leave a comment =] i realised i have a lot of links. it didnt seem like a lot with my previous template.

i always feel queasy about killing cockroaches. but i suppose, if we didnt, they'd invade the house. they're almost there already. and there's the issue of how much of the spray to use. my dad always uses a lot for each cockroach, to kill it instantly, and to reduce it's agony. but then, there's the environmental problem. and it's probably harmful for humans to breathe in too much of it as well. when i see a cockroach that's only half-sprayed, i always wonder what to do. should i leave it alone and give it a chance to survive? (have you noticed that most animals/insects dont give up the fight to live? not like humans. humans keep giving up.) or should i spray it again so it isn't in pain? and then, there's the possiblity of other creatures eating it, like ants and lizards. i suppose it's better for the cockroach to be eaten dead, rather than alive. oh well i wouldn't know. i'm not a cockroach.

thing's get so complicated when you have power over others.

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