Sunday, October 28, 2007

burning bridges making wishes

It's hard to imagine that this time next year, we'll be sitting for the A-levels.

All the best, j2s [though if you're reading this, GO STUDY.]!
And all the best to dhevy and pushpa too! you'll get your A1s!

I really don't feel like blogging any more. Ever. But i'll try to finish this post.

Do you know how buses are numbered? I've always wondered about it. Is it random, or is it according to the places the bus services?

I'm feeling better about OP than about the WR. [see this is why i can't blog, i keep skipping to different topics and never stay for long on any one thing.]

Ok i think i owe a few people birthday presents. Don't worry you'll get them soon enough =]

vai: YES!! gosh it's been ages since we ran!
sneha: hey! oh hmm nope i didn't get them.. if it's problematic, you can just send them to me over msn =] thanks!



Anonymous said...

...please where can I buy a unicorn?

Shreya said...

I don't think unicorns can be bought. They'll find you if you're true of heart. =]