Thursday, January 04, 2007

I may be a grave man yet.

So it's 2007 already. I can't imagine a CT starting with 07_ _ _. I still don't feel like the people in orientation are our age. I keep forgetting i'm not younger than them. But otherwise, orientation is good. Maybe it's some kinda barrier between me and others, maybe it's just some kinda starting problem; this orientation doesn't have the feel Orientation '05 had. Things got better today though, after we managed to dunk three of our four OGLs. I still haven't gotten outta the IP mentality. Today when i heard that tomorrow we would meet our Ct groups, i was thinking that we would have free time 'cos we already have CT groups. I was jolted again when people in my OG were asking me what I wanted to do University. They seem so focused, but i haven't given it much thought.

So, tomorrow we'll know our new classes. My OG mates are nice, and I hope my class is too. Today [2nd day of orientation] was fun, partly because I was involved in the CCA walkabout and also because we did mass dances =] I left the hall at 11.30 or so, before Friendship Dance. I don't regret missing that, it's Neutron I wish i could have stayed on for.

VJ seems to be full of people I know this year. Everywhere i turn, there's a familiar face and i'm glad my primary school friends remember me and i them. When I was P3, i had a Canadian classmate named Allison. She migrated after that, but we saw each other today. It's good we still remember each other after 8 years. She used to call me "Cheryl", because she couldn't pronounce my name, and today she asked if i was Cheryl Gopi. =D I said "Shreya Gopi", but she seemed a bit unsure after that, so i left her with the impression that my name is Cheryl, because she's more comfortable with it.

I've got more to say, but things always sound funny and formal when i put them down in words. This is why i hardly ever blog about what i did or what i think about an event. Even as i reread what i've typed, i feel like deleting everything. It's a good thing my fingers don't act on such sudden impulses.

Oh, and Happy Birthday to Subra! Have a great year ahead =]

Nowadays i don't feel like studying anymore. Not that i've ever studied to death before, but suddenly I feel rundown. I hope it's a passing flattener.

I shall stop here before I'm embarrassed the next time i read this. Cheers to a great IP3 and IP4 or JC1 and Jc2 or whatever else we're known as now.

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