Wednesday, November 15, 2006

A velvet ribbon for the finishing touch

I postponed my departure day to friday, cos today [wednesday] would've been too rushed, and i haven't finished packing.

Velvet was a blast! I mean, seriously. Our juniors deserve more thanks than they're getting.
I didn't get to take a picture of our prom King and Queen together! In fact, i didn't take a picture of Nazri at all. Subra, if you're reading this, remember what you've to do! haha.
We didn't take a class photo! shucks.
Pearlyn and i decided we would be potatosack-not partners.

P.S., pls send me the prom pics i took with you guys to thanks!

Mia and Sneha, your poems are on the way! i'll email them to you from overseas if i can't finish them in Singapore. Unless you don't mind if i post them. =]

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