Thursday, November 16, 2006

Gold ink on black paper

The VIP means a lot to me. The people who made these two years so enjoyable are people i'll never forget. Yesterday, when i looked inside the bag we got at prom, i was devastated to realise i forgot to ask for autographs. I want the autographs, but not because i'm afraid i'll forget you. Like i said, forgetting is impossible. Nor do i want them because i want to know what people think of me. The reason for my wanting autographs is so that someday, when things have changed, if i find i am surrounded by difficulties, if i feel like giving up, i can look into that little black notebook of autographs. I'll look into that book, and i'll remind myself that there are people who have touched my life in ways i can't explain, and this one part of my life is enough to see me through everything else. I'll look into that book, and i'll realise that i can fall back on something other than memories. Memories are addled by a desperate mind, and i want my memories to be kept pure. Autographs are more solid, i can depend on them and keep my memories untainted.

But i forgot to get my autographs. Selfish though the reasons may be, i wish i hadn't forgotten.

Don't be surprised then, if someday i lose my morale and will.

I don't want to be the only viper in class next year. I doubt i can live up to the expectations.

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

A velvet ribbon for the finishing touch

I postponed my departure day to friday, cos today [wednesday] would've been too rushed, and i haven't finished packing.

Velvet was a blast! I mean, seriously. Our juniors deserve more thanks than they're getting.
I didn't get to take a picture of our prom King and Queen together! In fact, i didn't take a picture of Nazri at all. Subra, if you're reading this, remember what you've to do! haha.
We didn't take a class photo! shucks.
Pearlyn and i decided we would be potatosack-not partners.

P.S., pls send me the prom pics i took with you guys to thanks!

Mia and Sneha, your poems are on the way! i'll email them to you from overseas if i can't finish them in Singapore. Unless you don't mind if i post them. =]

Monday, November 13, 2006

you'll never know what hit you

[don't say we have come now to the end.]

looks like i won't have time to post properly. i'm going overseas the day after Velvet and i won't be back till the end of the year. so have a happy holiday, y'all. i'll try to post from there but i doubt i'll be able to.

till next year then.

should auld acquaintance be forgot and never brought to mind? should auld acquaintaince be forget and auld lang syne?

Friday, November 10, 2006

does anyone realise the disadvantages of living close to school? i'll post about it sometime.

i've got mcfly's 'star girl' stuck in my head.