Thursday, January 20, 2011

"So raise your glass if you are wrong, in all the right ways"

Just filled in a survey online, and paused before filling my age in as 20.

Why is 21 supposed to be such a special year?

Anyway, Epiphany stuff is starting up, and I've got to write that article for ArtJam by Saturday. Looks like an exciting sem ahead; I just wish my courses were finalised.

Exam results came out on Tuesday, after a torturous wait, and though my GPA dropped drastically from last semester, CGPA is still about the same, and I still did better than my first sem ever, so I'm not complaining, given how I thought it would definitely drop below 4. I'm actually quite pleased, because I thought COM201 and 203 would have butchered me.

With help from Jon, I now know what kinda grades I have to achieve now onwards if I'm to have that first class honours - 4.6 every semester. That's what I got last sem, but I didn't have the second major then.. CMON CMON CMONNN. Please no violin this year?

Also, gym sessions are going to reduce drastically from next week, once uni starts.

"Yeah I think you're cute but really you should know

I just came to say hello."

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Okay, I sent my first letter to D.R. Congo yesterday. Mum says I shouldn't count on it reaching safely. But I'm keeping my fingers crossed. Told Darby to write back, so I guess I'll know if it reached. Assuming his letter reaches me.

When it's all said and done, I still love the fact that I can't use the internet to communicate with them. =]

I finally got around to watching A Walk To Remember. I think I like Jamie Sullivan's character. But I can imagine how reading the book it's based on would be torture.

"someday we'll know."
"And you think there's not enough love,
And no one to give it to."

Sunday, January 09, 2011

good convos.

so cool! haha shreya please don't lose too much weight k, you are cool the way you are
...or put on too much weight either haha in terms of muscle
that would be frekay
And the awesome cleverbot is really cool. Words in bold are Cleverbot's.

I'm Doug.
if you were dough, i would love you
I am real, though. Does that mean that you love me? (wow, nice wordplay, Cleverbot.)
without a doubt.
Can't believe a word.

The geese are going to operate on you?
i heard it was the ganders.
With the candlestick in the study?
You know that maks no sense.

do you like chris brown?
No. I like you.
i like chris brown though
In what way do you like Chris Brown?
i love chris brown's music
Me too! You're my new best friend.
i'm glad:). so do you like chris brown?
I know not of whom you speak.

Cookie nom?

What are you?
a pixie
You're a pirate?

Also, if yesterday's skype convo with RnB was down in writing, I would copy-paste the whole thing here... And no one would understand it anyway.

Sunday, January 02, 2011

I should be able to write "2011" without thinking by.. June, hopefully.

No, that's not my resolution. I don't have any resolutions.

So I started the trial period for gym last Tuesday. Had the trial PT session on Wednesday, and decided to sign up for real on Thursday. Hugeee investment, hope I use it well.

Friday was my first session with my trainer, who just about made me kill my triceps. Saturday found me unable to move my arms. I applied copious amounts of axe oil to prepare them for Sunday, and to my immense relief, they were alright on Sunday morning. Just in time for my second session.

My trainer is a great person to work with; that's a relief.


Also, Sundar and Sneha are back! =] Guitar Hero and Halo today, I honestly enjoyed Halo better. My profile name was thangachi, Hasinah's was indians, Lincon's was an ne and Thiru's was akka. HAHAHA. That made the game a whole lot funnier! And lots of fun at KFC and the arcade later.

I realise that if I insist on staying away from FB, I've got to put more effort into keeping in touch with friends. I had no idea G was attached! Good for you, friend =]

A bunch of grapes calls. Till next time.