Wednesday, September 30, 2009

The holiday's half-over and I'm still stuck watching Diversity perform for Britain's Got Talent on youtube.

Why is it fashionable to leave out fullstops nowadays? I keep seeing blogs with one-liner posts that don't have a full stop at the end.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Sunsets and stuff.

Recess week! There's a lot of reading to catch up on.

I love that my room's window faces east. These pictures were taken on different days.

As a sidenote: Cars seems to feature a lot in english song lyrics. I can already think of three, off-hand:
"Life is a highway, I wana ride it all night long."
"She got me speedin' in the fast lane, pedal to the floor mayne, tryna get back to her love."
"Baby gonna take a dive, and push the shift to Overdrive."

And one more thing. It suddenly ocurred to me that if I were to tell someone that I was born in 1990, and I'm 19 years old, but they misheard and heard 1919 and 90 instead, respectively, it would still make sense, mathematically.

Friday, September 18, 2009

This is why I'm hardly online and I don't update much.

Things to do:

- Get started on HL101 (Intro to Eng Lit) Assignment.

- Read all the texts for HL102 (Survey of Eng Lit) since I doubt I finished any of them properly - Beowulf, Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, Chaucer's Prologue and Miller's Tale, Sidney's Astrophil and Stella, Shakespeare's Sonnets, Spenser's The Faerie Queene, Hamlet.

- Get ready for HL106 (American Lit) Assignment, read all those texts again - the John Smith excerpt, Anne Bradstreet poems, The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin, Crevecoeur, those three Short Stories, the 3 or 4 Emerson essays, Walden.

- Lunch with Audrey, Shakura, Olivia, Ser En on Thursday!

- Finish the stuff for later today (Airport- Dhevy's leaving today)

- Study for HG102 (my elective, Linguistics) test next Tuesday.

- Get textbook back from Marine Hawaii shop

- Ask Sarah if my JC lit notes are too messy to read

- Go have a look at: NIE gym, Yunnan Garden, The Animal House, Sports and Recreation Centre, the different canteens at the different Halls, the Art, Design and Media building with the cool grassy roof I want to climb onto

- Practise pieces for violin class and PA and the accompaniment for next Saturday

- Clear the house by TOMORROW cos people are going to start visiting (Navarathiri)

- Send an SMS to a different friend each weekend to find out how they're doing. Or email them if they're overseas.

- Think about what to do for The Surprise

- Write for Epiphany (a magazine)

- Go buy more t-shirts

- Stop borrowing unnecessary books everytime I go to the library (school or national lib) to return previously borrowed unnecessary books. There's quite enough to read already.

Man am I glad for four-day school weeks.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

"Spill guts, hold for eternity."

I came here just to say this:

My best friend rocks. So much.

And for this. Thank you:

Michee for Subway,
Laura for lunch and for being my fellow moongazer and for WFG,
the guy who helped me that first day in the printing room at Lee Wee Nam Library,
Dhevy for the morning at the house and everything else,
the friendly nurses at the BloodBank when I donated blood,
the guy who came singing and smiling down the steps beside Popular,
Catherine the awesome peer review buddy,
Amu for waiting for me before CHYK,
the helpful guys this morning before signing the Tuition Grant Agreement,
the juniors at SIFAS for making me feel good,
the seniors for making me feel honoured,
the bus drivers who smile,
Mum for all the new stuff,
the cashier at Popular who helped me maximise my gift voucher usage,
Samuel, Crispin, Colin, Sofia, Andrea, Bhuva, Alina, Gerry, Jenn, Jasmine, Shafie, Jon, Halim (some of my new friends) for making Uni such fun,
The rain this evening that cooled the atmosphere so much I couldn't resist walking home from the library.

And I'm sure there's a lot more, but I better go finish reading Walden before 9.30am tutorial, (HL106, Intro to American Lit) tomorrow.

Monday, September 07, 2009

There's so much to read, I'm falling behind on my readings already. (Another reason for falling behind is that I keep wanting to read books other than school texts, i.e. fiction for the fun of it. =D)

How do people keep churning out so many posts?! I've been trying to finish a particular post of mine for days but either I dont have enough time or I lose the writing mood. Both the above have happened right now.

It'll be out soon, I promise.

"I am a fragment, and this is a fragment of me."

-Ralph Waldo Emerson, Experience