Fiona's station, What's My Line, where Laura, Shakura, Phoebe and I congegrated was extremely hilarious! The juniors had to guess the profession (or title) we had in mind by asking Yes/No questions. Some of the more interesting ones were Rockstar, Goal keeper and Unemployed. =D
Despite having less manpower than we'd expected to, things turned out fine, and I think (most of) the juniors had fun. Some classes were smart enough to rent tandem bikes to travel all around VJ to their different stations! It was highly interesting talking to the Arts students too.
The rest of last week was spent watching Inkheart (which I liked!), going to an arcade for the first time, the M4 gathering ( =D), violin classes and violin rehearsals (going alright), class with the CHYKs (adorable new friends), Valentine's at Amu's house (fantastic friends), the start of a job and class Farewell Dinner for Anthony (more fantasic friends).
First (technically second) day at work today was okay. It's probably still the calm before the storm though.
At least I'm not wasting my time anymore.
"You' re the center of adrenaline,
And Im beginning to understand.
You could be the best thing about me."